Time-created objects
大学4年生の時、新型コロナウイルスの影響で大学進学が叶わなくなり、これを機に伝統工芸が根付く産地に住もうと移住。学生生活最後の半年を福井県で過ごし、興味の赴くままに工房を駆け回り、伝統的な技法や素材を集める日々を送っていた。そんな時、長田製紙工場の試作品の山の中に見つけた不思議な模様の和紙に目を奪われた。和紙は薄さを生かして障子や照明などに使われる。しかし、大理石のような厚く重いものにまるで自然から切り出したかのようなオブジェクトに貼ることで、まるで自然が長い時間をかけて作り出したかのような美しさを、和紙によって引き出せるのではないかと考えた。 When I was a senior in college, the new coronavirus prevented me from entering college, and I decided to take the opportunity to live in a production area where traditional crafts had taken root, and moved there.I spent my last six months as a student in Fukui Prefecture, spending my days running around workshops and collecting traditional techniques and materials as my interest led me.It was during this time that he was struck by a strange patterned washi paper he found in a pile of prototypes at the OSADA Paper Mills. Usually, washi is used for shoji screens and lighting, taking advantage of its thinness, but by incorporating it into a thick, heavy object like marble, as if it were cut from nature, he thought he could bring out the beauty of the washi as if nature had created it over a long period of time.This series was created with the idea of bringing out the beauty of washi as if it had been created by nature over a long period of time.