三重県の美杉町という自然豊かな場所で林業を営み、杉を活かしたものづくりを通して自然との共生を目指すプロジェクト。杉は真っ直ぐ伸びることから「直ぐな木」という語源があるとされています。そんな素材を木材そのものを活かした形に。木に素直な道具、木を素のまま届けるSUGU(素具)という意味を込めました。「素材の声を聞いた素直な形」森から切り出された木材を、なるべくそのままの形で生活に馴染む道具に仕上げました。木材の形や節などの特性を見極めながら形を決めていくので、1つとして同じプロダクトはありません。一つ一つのプロダクトが、個性的で真っ直ぐな素材感を感じさせる、シンプルで普遍的な存在感があります。 This project aims to coexist with nature through forestry in Misugi Town, Mie Prefecture, a place rich in nature, and through manufacturing products that make use of cedar trees. Cedar is said to have the origin of the word "straight tree" because it grows straight. We take such a material and give it a form that makes the most of the wood itself. The name "SUGU" means "a tool that is honest to the wood" or "a tool that delivers the wood as it is. We have taken wood cut from the forest and made it into a tool that fits in with daily life in its original form as much as possible. The shape of each product is determined by the characteristics of the wood, such as its shape and knots, so that no two products are the same. Each product has a simple and universal presence with a sense of individuality and straightforward materiality.