高田 陸央 
Rikuo Takata
Interior, Product, Branding, etc. _ Designer  / Photographer / Filmmaker 

1998年   茨城県生まれ三重県育ち
2021年   金沢美術工芸大学 美術工芸学部 デザイン科 環境デザイン専攻 卒業
2021年~ メーカー所属 空間・プロダクトデザイナー
I express my pursuit and experimentation with materials as furniture and objects. During a six-month residency in Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture, he has continued to create works inspired by the traditional craftsmanship he encountered. He produces his works with a method that is faithful to the characteristics of the materials and not bound by stereotypes. His activities are not limited to products, but also include space, graphics, video, and photography.
Based in Mie and Tokyo
1998 Born in Mie, Japan.
2021 Graduated from Kanazawa college of Art , Interior and Architectural Design.
2022 Product and space designer in a manufacturer's company.
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